Friday, February 25, 2011

Knit Dresses

My girls like dresses. My 2 yr old insists on wearing a dress every single day- she will NOT change out of her jammies unless she knows she gets to put on a dress. Needless to say, we are always in need of dresses around our house. In particular, comfy play dresses. So when I found a good deal on some knit fabric I thought, maybe I'll whip up a few dresses. So I did.

Peasant-style like the mismatched, too big shoes?!

I bought a cute dress at Target for the girls. I kept saying, I bet I could make this- it looks easy. So I gave it a go and miraculously it turned out. I love flutter sleeves.

My daughter is showing you her new "silver" teeth (though you can't really see it from this angle).

1 comment:

  1. How awesome! Great job! We were just commenting today at a baby shower how much we envy your craftiness! Miss you!
