The verdict- it's good...but it ain't no Cafe Rio. I will make more though to add more variety to my food storage.
For those that want to try it, here's the recipe:
Pork roast- I bought 2 pork roasts and had extra sauce left over
3 8 oz cans of tomato sauce
2 cans of El Pato (can be found in the Mexican food section at the grocery store- look for little, yellow cans)
2 cups brown sugar
1 cup water
Cut roast into small chunks (I tried to trim off as much fat as possible), like so:
Mix remaining ingredients in a pot on med. low heat. Fill (pre-washed, hot) jars with meat. Add sauce...leaving 1-inch headspace. Process in a pressure canner at 11 lbs for 75 minutes (pints) or 90 minutes (quart). Mind you I live at sea may have to adjust the lbs depending on your altitude.
Ta da- they look like this after the jars have been processed. (That's canned chicken in the back...I didn't realize when taking the picture I had inadvertently included the chicken.)
When you're ready to eat...just warm in a pot over the stove and shred meat with a fork- easy!
'ksy so I made this today, and it was a lot of work and my pressure canner had a really hard time closing...and then I realized I paid less for the chicken than the pork and so I don't think I will do pork again. That recipe will work just as well with chicken and the taste is probably similar enough. Bad canning day I guess....